Ko Te Hoata te pou tuarongo
Ko Te Awa Tupua te tahuhu kite pou mua
Ko Ruatupua raua ko Paerangi nga maihi
Nei ra te whare o Hāua
Te Hoata is the anchor connecting us to our past.
Whanganui Awa is the umbilical cord interweaving our past to our present to our future
Ruatupua and Paerangi are the two main rootstock
This is the ancestral house of Hāua
The Ngāti Hāua Iwi Trust was established in 2001 following early discussions in 1990 amongst Ngāti Hāua about the need to co-ordinate and manage iwi affairs and progress the settlement of Ngāti Hāua Treaty grievances.
This was particularly in relation to Ngāti Hāua land and Tongariro National Park maunga matters. Key Ngāti Hāua kaumātua and Wai claimants, with the endorsement of Ngāti Hāua and the Whanganui River Māori Trust Board, were instrumental in the establishment of the Ngāti Hāua Iwi Trust. Current trustees are:
- Graham Bell – (Chairman)
- Lois Tutemahurangi – (Vice Chair)
- Brett Anderson
- Aaron Rice-Edwards
- Joey Allen
- Louise Wahapa
- Piki Taiaroa-Whatarangi
Governance members of the Ngāti Hāua Iwi Trust Board are elected from and by Ngāti Hāua Iwi members aged 18 years and over. Each member is appointed for a term of three years. The Ngāti Hāua Iwi Trust is currently represented by a board of seven. A copy of the trust deed can be seen here.
Our Mission
Ngāti Hāua’s mission is to ensure the survival of Ngāti Haua’s identity. Its aspirations are based on the values outlined in Ngā Pou Tikanga which were mandated by our people in March 2019. These are the touchstones for Ngāti Hāua’s Treaty settlement outcomes and must be reflected in the redress provided through settlement.
Ngāti Hāuatanga
Ensure the survival of Ngāti Hāua identity.
Riri Kore
Ensure the continuity of Ngāti Hāua tikanga.
Rongo Niu
Hold the Crown to account.
Self-determination. Ngāti Hāua solutions for Ngāti Hāua people.
Uphold our inherent right of kaitiakitanga.
Maintain the integrity of our relationship with others.
Our Logo
Te Ahitawai by artist Heemi Te Peeti
(please click on logo to enlarge)
This design is based on tupuna Te Ruatipua on top of the maunga shown in the purple blue tear drop connecting to the water that’s joined from under the maunga. Rūaumoko is shown underneath and on the face of the maunga.
The Tangihaehae design relates to the female elements and the Pakati depicts the whakapapa lines that derive from the kōrero of Ngāti Hāua.